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2 Footed Broad Jumps


The two footed broad jump exercise is a plyometric exercise that can be used for return to sport rehabilitation and strength & conditioning programs. Place your hands behind your back into shoulder extension and go into a half squat. Swing your arms forwards to while extending the knees, hip and ankles to launch your body forwards. Aim for a horizontal jump. Land directly into a half squat and repeat.

Muscles Involved:

  • Quadriceps

    • vastus lateralis

    • vastus intermedius

    • vastus medialis

    • rectus femoris

  • Gluteus Maximus

  • Calves

    • gastrocnemius

    • soleus

Related Activity:

  • Plyometrics

  • Achilles tendinitis (return to sport)

  • Strength and Conditioning

  • Jumper’s knee / runner’s knee

  • ACL / PCL sprain (return to sport)

  • Quadriceps tendinitis / patellar tendinitis

Exercise videos

See this gallery in the original post