Banded Hip Bridge
This is a strengthening exercise that uses a pullup assist band to provide an external cue for the hip extensors. Start by lying down on your back while holding a band with both of your hands. Place the band along the front of your hips and place your feet about shoulder distance apart. Bend the knees so that there is roughly a 90 degree bend in them. Begin by raising the pelvis off of the ground while keeping the core braced to maintain a neutral spine. Raise the pelvis until the torso is in line with your thighs (your pant side seam should be in line with your shirt seam). Hold this position for up to 2 seconds before lowering the pelvis to complete a repetition.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Erector Spinae
Core Muscles (Transverse Abdominus)
Related Conditions:
Non-specific Low Back Pain
External Snapping Hip Syndrome
Greater Trochanteric Bursitis
Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome
Hip Osteoarthritis
Functional Hip Impingement
Hip Labral Tear
Femoral Acetabular Impingement
Exercise Equipment: