Rehab Hero

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Banded Hip Hinge


This is a motor patterning exercise that is used to train hold a neutral spine in hip flexion activities like the SQUAT or DEADLIFT. Place a band around your hips and anchor it behind you. Keep a light bend in your knees and hinge forwards at the hips as far as possible without allowing the dowel to come off the three anchor points. Stand straight back up and repeat as required.

Muscles Involved:

  • Superficial back line:

    • Hamstrings

    • Erector Spinae

Related Conditions:

  • Squat Warm Up

  • Deadlift Warm Up

  • Lumbar facet syndrome

  • Mechanical Low Back Pain

  • Hip spine syndrome

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

  • Thoracolumbar Syndrome

Exercise videos

See this gallery in the original post