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Banded Nordic Curl


This is a hamstrings strengthening exercise. Loop a light strength band around your torso just under the chest and anchor the other end to an elevated surface. Start in a kneeling position with your ankles anchored against a stable object. Slowly lower your body to the ground by extending the knees but keeping a neutral spine and neutral hips. After reaching the floor you may use your hands to push the body back up to starting position and repeat as required.

Muscles Involved:

  • Hamstrings

    • Semitendinosus

    • Semimembranosus

    • Biceps Femoris

  • Posterior Chain / Superficial Back Line

Related Conditions:

  • Yoga Butt

  • Proximal Hamstrings Tendinopathy / Tendinitis

  • Distal Hamstrings Tendinopathy / Tendinitis

  • Lower Cross Syndrome

Related Exercises

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