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Banded Supine Side Kick Slider


The banded supine side kick slider exercise uses the floor to assist in isolating the hip abductor and extensor muscles. This exercise requires a looped band and a slider disc (a towel may be used on hard flooring instead of a disc). Start by lying down on your back on a padded surface. Loop a band around both of your feet. Place one heel on a slider disc. Press downwards into the floor with your heel to compress the disc. While maintaining downward pressure, begin to abduct your thigh by sliding the disc away from the body. Hold the end position for up to 2 seconds before returning back to a neutral position.

Muscles involved:

  • Glutes

    • gluteus medius

    • gluteus maximus

    • gluteus minimus

Related conditions:

  • greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • external snapping hip syndrome

  • sacroiliac joint syndrome

  • hip spine syndrome

  • hip bursitis

  • hip osteoarthritis

  • Iliotibial band syndrome / ITB syndrome

  • lateral line dysfunction

Exercise videos

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