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Bilateral Internal Rotation Bridge


This is an internal hip rotation mobility and stability exercise. Start by lying down on your back with a yoga block or foam roller between your knees and heels planted on a bench. Squeeze the yoga block and raise the pelvis off the ground by going into full hip extension. Come back down to a rested position to complete the first repetition. Then rotate both legs out by 5-10 degrees and complete another bridge. Repeat until 45 degrees of hip rotation is achieved or until the maximum range you can tolerate is achieved for the day.

Muscles Involved:

  • Glutes

    • Gluteus Maximus (Hip Extension)

    • Gluteus Medius Anterior Fibers (Hip Internal Rotation)

    • Gluteus Minimus (Hip Internal Rotation)

  • Hamstrings

  • Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)

  • Adductors

    • Adductor Longus

    • Adductor Magnus

    • Adductor Brevis

  • Pectineus

Related Conditions:

  • Hip Impingement

  • Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome

  • External Snapping Hip Syndrome

  • Groin Strain

  • Hip Spine Syndrome

  • Mechanical Low Back Pain

  • Lower Kinetic Pain Syndrome

  • Hip Bursitis

  • ITB Syndrome

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

Exercise Equipment:

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