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Bottoms Up Wide to Narrow Press


The bottoms up wide to narrow press exercise is used to dynamically stabilize the shoulder in a bench press position. Start by lying down on your back on an exercise bench. Hold a kettlebell in the bottoms-up position. Keep your elbow bent to 90 degrees and start with your arm abducted to 45-60 degrees. While maintaining a balanced kettlebell, begin to press the weight up towards the ceiling. At this position the elbow will be in line vertically with your shoulder. Lower the weight at 0 degrees abduction (resembling the eccentric phase of a CLOSE GRIP CHEST PRESS exercise). Return back to an abducted position to complete a repetition.

Muscles involved:

  • Rotator cuff

    • infraspinatus

    • teres minor

    • subscapularis

  • anterior deltoid

  • pectoralis minor

  • pectoralis major

  • coracobrachialis

  • biceps brachii

Related conditions:

  • AC joint sprain / acromioclavicular joint sprain

  • pectoralis minor strain / pectoralis major strain

  • dynamic shoulder instability

  • osteolysis of the distal clavicle

  • biceps tendon instability

  • glenohumeral labral tear

Exercise videos

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