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Doorway Rib Lean


This is a thoracic spine mobility exercise that targets the costotransverse and costovertebral joints (rib joints with the spine) to help reduce back pain. Start by placing the forearm of the target’s arm on a wall at roughly shoulder height. Place your opposite hand on your shoulder and press downwards to stabilize the shoulder joint. Lean forwards and use the shoulder blade to push the rib joints forwards. Oscillate gently back and forth to mobilize the costovertebral joints.

Involved Structures:

  • Thoracic Spine

  • Costovertebral Joint

  • Costotransverse Joint

Related Conditions

  • Costochondritis

  • Costovertebral / Costotransverse Joint Irritation / Rib Joint Irritation

  • Upper Back Pain

Related Exercises

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