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Elevated Banded Ankle Dorsiflexion


This exercises uses a light strength band to assist you deepening ankle dorsiflexion. The band is used to help the talus glide posteriorly as needed for smooth ankle dorsiflexion. Anchor the band to a stable object behind you and loop it around the foot just below the ankle joint. Keep the heel planted on an elevated surface like a plyobox or stepper. Lean forward with the knee using your torso - the extra bodyweight will help to push the ankle into dorsiflexion.

Structures Involved:

  • Tibiotalar Joint

  • Achilles Tendon

  • Calves

    • Gastrocnemius

    • Soleus

Related Conditions:

  • Squat Warm Up

  • Ankle Impingement

  • Lower Kinetic Pain Syndrome

Exercise videos

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