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Incline Pec Fly


This is a strengthening exercise that targets the upper aspect of the chest. This exercise can be completed with dumbbells, barbells, or a cable pulley system. Sit on a bench that is set up on an incline of 35-45 degrees. Lie down on your back and raise the weights above your upper chest. Keep a slight bend in the elbows for increased comfort. Slowly lower your hands towards the floor by spreading them outwards while keeping them in line with your upper chest horizontally. Raise your hands back up by pulling them together until you return back to starting position.

Muscles Involved:

  • Pectoralis Major

  • Pectoralis Minor

  • Anterior Deltoid

Related Conditions:

  • Strength Training

  • AC Joint Sprain (Late Stage Recovery)

  • Pectoralis Strain (Non-acute)

  • Anterior Deltoid Strain (Non-acute)

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