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Side Lying Hip Rotation


This is a hip active range of motion exercise that is focused on rotation. Start by lying down on your side and flex your top hip forwards up to 90 degrees (depending on your current goals). Hold the thigh in the air and rotate it so that the foot moves towards the ceiling internally rotate the hip. Then lower the foot towards the floor to externally rotate the hip.

Muscles Involved:

  • External Hip Rotators

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Quadratus Femoris

    • Sartorius

  • Internal Hip Rotators

    • Piriformis

    • Pectineus

    • Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)

    • Gluteus Minimus

    • Gracilis

Related Conditions:

  • Hip Impingement

  • External Snapping Hip Syndrome

  • Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

Related Exercises

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