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Side Plank Leg Lift


The side plank leg lift exercise is a trunk anti-lateral flexion exercise and a hip abductor strengthening exercise. This is an exercise progression of the SIDE PLANK and SIDE LYING LEG LIFT. Start by lying down on the floor with elbow and lateral shin / knee support. Raise the pelvis up to bring the spine and hip into neutral. Raise your top leg towards the ceiling without allowing the leg to move forwards or backwards. Be sure to keep the pelvis neutral and aligned.

Muscles Involved:

  • Hip abductors

    • gluteus maximus

    • gluteus medius

    • gluteus minimus

    • TFL (tensor fascia latae)

  • Core

    • internal oblique

    • external oblique

    • transversus abdominis

Related Conditions / Activities:

  • Strength and Conditioning

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

  • Hip bursitis / greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • ITB syndrome

  • Glute tendinitis / tendinopathy

  • Chronic Low Back Pain

  • Knocked Knees / Genu Valgum

Exercise videos

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