Rehab Hero

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Single Leg Decline Squat


This is a unilateral terminal knee extension strengthening exercise for the knee extensors. Start by raising the heel by placing it on the handle of a dumbbell, or 2 inch plate, or heel wedge. Raise the non-target leg off of the ground and begin to squat down with one leg. Allow the knee to past the toes as you descend. Extend the knee to return to rise back up.

Structures involved:

  • Quadriceps

    • Vastus medialis oblique (VMO)

  • Patellar tendon

  • Quadriceps tendon

Related conditions:

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • Patellar Tendinitis

  • Runner’s Knee

  • Jumper’s Knee

  • ACL sprain

  • Quadriceps tendinitis

  • Quadriceps Strain

Exercise videos

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