Rehab Hero

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Single Leg Drop


The single leg drop is a plyometric and return to sport exercise for ankle, knee and hip proprioception, shock absorption, and stability. Stand on a step stool and step down and land with the target ankle. Hold the landed position for up to 5 seconds. Rest and reset to start the next repetition.

Structures Involved:

  • Intrinsic Foot Muscles

  • Medial Longitudinal Arch

  • Knee Meniscus

  • ACL / PCL / MCL / LCL

  • ATFL / CFL / PTFL / Deltoid Ligament

  • Calves

  • Quadriceps

Related Conditions:

  • Knee Meniscus Tear

  • ACL / PCL / MCL / LCL Tear

  • Ankle Sprain (ATFL, TFL, CFL, PTFL sprain)

  • Achilles Tendinitis / Tendinopathy

  • Tibialis Posterior Tendinitis / Tendinopathy

Exercise videos

See this gallery in the original post