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Standing Hip External Rotation


The standing hip external rotation is an end range strengthening exercise for the external rotators of the hip. This exercise requires a foam roller or yoga block. Place the flat end of the foam roller against the wall so that the roller is held horizontally at hip height. Flex the hip to 90 degrees by raising the knee and place it against the free flat end. Keep the spine neutral to isolate the movement to the hips. Begin by externally rotating the hip. Hold the end range position for up to 7 seconds before resting. Rest for 5-10 seconds before doing another repetition.

Muscles Involved:

  • piriformis

  • superior and inferior gemelli

  • obturator internus

  • quadratus femoris

Related Conditions:

  • Piriformis Syndrome

  • Hip Spine Syndrome

  • Low Back Pain

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

  • hip hypomobility

  • hip labral tear

Exercise videos

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