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Standing QL Massage and Stretch


This is an active self massage technique that targets the Quadratus Lumborum Muscle. Use a foam roll and place it against the wall and lean into it with the outer portion of your back. Since this muscle attaches from the pelvis to your last rib, you can drop the hip by placing your feet away from the wall to add a deeper stretch to the QL muscle. Reach overhead to pull the 12th rib upwards to also increase the stretch while applying pressure with the foam roller.

Structures Involved:

  • Quadratus Lumborum

  • Deep Front Fascial Line

Related Conditions:

  • Non-Specific Low Back Pain

  • Mechanical Low Back Pain

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome (SIJ Syndrome)

Required Exercise Equipment:

Foam Roller - Click to Purchase

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