Rehab Hero

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Step Up


This is a unilateral knee extensor and hip extensor strengthening exercise. This exercise requires an exercise stepper, plyo box, or staircase. Start by stepping up with one leg and plant it do that the full foot is supported by the step. Proceed to step up with your other leg while making sure the center of your knee aligns well with your 2ndd to 3rd toe. Step back down and repeat as required.

Muscles Involved:

  • Quadriceps

  • Gluteus Maximus

Related Conditions:

  • Runner’s Knee

  • Jumper’s Knee

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • Quadriceps Tendinitis / Patellar Tendinitis

  • Meniscus Tear

  • ACL Sprain

Related Exercises

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