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Dumbbell Donkey Kick


This is a strengthening exercise for the knee flexors and hip extensors. Start in quadruped position with a dumbbell held behind your knee. Maintain a strong compression of the weight as you extend the hip to lift the weight. Lower the thigh to complete a repetition.

Muscles Involved:

  • Hamstrings

    • Biceps Femoris

    • Semimembranosus

    • Semitendinosus

  • Gluteus Maximus

  • Posterior Head Adductor Magnus

Related Conditions:

  • Lower Cross Syndrome

  • Hamstrings Strain / Hamstrings Chronic Strain

  • Hamstrings Tendinitis

  • Yoga Butt

  • Posterior Chain Dysfunction

  • Superficial Back Line Dysfunction

Exercise Equipment:

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