Adductor Squeeze Bridge Kick

This is a hip adductor strengthening exercise that is used to build knee and hip stability. Place a yoga block or foam roller between the knees and squeeze it with a high amount of effort while laying in crook position (on your back with knees bent). Place your feet about hip distance apart. While maintaining a strong squeeze, lift the pelvis off of the floor while maintaining a neutral spine. Lift one leg off of the ground by extending the knee and hold for 2 seconds then lower the pelvis back down to the ground.
Muscles Involved:
Hip Adductors
Adductor Magnus
Adductor Longus
Adductor Brevis
Related Conditions:
Groin Strain
Hip Adductor Strain
Pes Anserine Bursitis
Knocked Knees / Genu Valgum
Exercise Equipment:
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