Assisted Sissy Squat


This is a strengthening exercise for the knee extensors. This exercise can be done in a roman chair machine or with a simple barbell set up as shown in the video. For the barbell set up, place it at a height 2-3 inches below the level of the knee and wrap it in a barbell pad or towel. Lean the back of your calf against it and use it to hold you in place. You may also place your feet under the handles of heavy dumbbells for additional assistance (not shown in video).

Keep both of your feet planted as you lean back with the hips. Do not allow your knees to shift forward and off of the barbell during this exercise. Sit back as far as you can without falling over and contract the quadriceps to return to standing position.

Muscles Involved:

  • Quadriceps

  • Superficial Front Line

  • Anterior Chain

Related Conditions:

  • Jumper’s Knee / Runner’s Knee

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

  • Quadriceps Tendinitis / Patellar Tendinitis

  • Quadriceps Strain

  • Meniscus Tear (Late Stage Rehab)

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