Back Scratcher Stretch


The back scratcher stretch is an exercise used to improve shoulder internal rotation flexibility. Start by looping a thick pullup assist band around your arm just above the elbow. Anchor the other end to a stable band anchor or squat rack. Place the back of your hand on your low back. While facing the anchor point, take a few steps back to build up tension in the band. Allow the band’s tension to pull your elbow forwards while keeping your hand firmly held in place. Hold this stretch for up to 2 minutes, and pull your elbow back to contract out of this position. Repeat as required.

Structures involved:

  • infraspinatus

  • teres minor

  • glenohumeral joint capsule

Related conditions:

  • shoulder impingement

  • rotator cuff tendinitis / tendinosis / tendinopathy

  • shoulder internal rotation hypomobility

  • frozen shoulder (thawing stage)

Exercise videos


Dumbbell Scapular Circle


Banded Overhead Press