External Rotation Press

This is a strengthening exercise for the external rotators of the shoulder. This exercise may be done standing, seated, or in a half kneel position as shown in this video. Loop an exercise band around a stable object like a pole, handrail or squat rack. Have it anchor at approximately hip height. Start by pulling the band back with your forearm parallel to the ground. Pull until your elbow reaches shoulder height. From here externally rotate the shoulder until the forearm is vertical to the floor. Proceed to raise the arms upwards and overhead. Be sure to keep the elbows stacked directly below the wrists. Reverse these steps to complete a repetition.
Muscles Involved:
Posterior Deltoid
Rotator Cuff
Levator Scapulae
Related Conditions:
Shoulder Impingement
Rotator Cuff Tear
Upper Cross Syndrome
Dynamic Shoulder Instability
Posterior Capsule Impingement
AC Joint Sprain