Glute Bridge March

This is a hip extensor isometric strengthening exercise. This exercise will also challenge core stability and endurance as well. Keep the feet hip distance apart while lying down on your back. Lift your pelvis off of the floor while maintaining a neutral spine. Hold the hip extension while raising one leg off of the ground into hip flexion. Hold for 5-10 seconds and slowly lower the leg then alternate sides while maintaining the bridge.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Core (Transversus Abdominus)
Erector Spinae
Posterior Chain
Related Conditions:
External Snapping Hip Syndrome
Glute Amnesia
Glute Strain
Hamstring Strain
Hip Bursitis
Hip Spine Syndrome
Lower Kinetic Pain Syndrome
Mechanical Low Back Pain
Proximal Hamstrings Tendinitis / Hamstrings Tendinopathy / Hamstrings Tendinosis
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome / SIJ Syndrome
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