Lean In Lateral Raise

The lean in lateral raise is an exercise modification of the LATERAL RAISE exercise that is used to increase shoulder abduction strength. Begin by placing on hand on a stable surface like a wall or squat rack and lean your body to the side at a 20-30 degree angle. Hold a dumbbell with your free hand in a thumbs forward grip (mid pronated grip). Raise the weight to approximately shoulder height while remaining in the scapular plane (15-30 degrees horizontal adduction). Use as little momentum as possible while performing this exercise.
Muscles Involved:
Rotator Cuff (Supraspinatus)
Deltoids (Lateral Deltoid)
Upper Trapezius
Related Conditions:
Rotator Cuff Tear / Supraspinatus Tendinitis
Shoulder Impingement
Deltoid Strain
Glenohumeral labral tear
Shoulder instability
Biceps Pulley Sling Irritation
Strength and Conditioning