Sciatic Nerve Flossing
This is the sciatic nerve flossing exercise that is used to mobilize the sciatic nerve to help reduce inflammation and peripheral nerve impingement. Generally this exercise is to be done in a pain free range of motion, if the end ranges are intolerable you can modify the exercise by shortening the range.
Related Conditions:
L4-L5, L5-S1 Lumbar Disc Herniation
Piriformis Syndrome
Peripheral Sciatic Nerve Entrapment
Disc Bulge or Bulging Disc
Slipped Disc
Prolapsed Disc
Herniated Nucleus Palposus (HNP)
Related Exercises
Hip, Hip Mobility, Hip Joint Capsule
Hip, Hip Mobility, Hip Joint Capsule
Hip, Hip Mobility, Hip Joint Capsule
Tibial Internal Rotation, Knee Internal Rotation, Knee External Rotator, Vastus Lateralis, Biceps Femoris, TFL, Tensor Fascia Latae, Lateral Gastrocnemius, Knee, Knee Mobility
Shoulder, Shoulder Flexion, Shoulder Flexor, Shoulder Stability, Shoulder Isometric Exercise, Biceps Brachii, Biceps Tendon, Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major