Short Foot March
Written By David Song

This is a strengthening exercise for the intrinsic foot muscles. Start by holding onto a weight like a kettlebell and activate SHORT FOOT in the planted foot. Raise the other foot off of the ground as if marching. Hold for 2-5 seconds before stepping forwards and repeating for the opposite side.
Structures involved:
Intrinsic Foot Muscles
Quadratus Plantae
Abductor Hallucis
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Tibialis Posterior
Plantar Fascia
Related Conditions:
Plantar fasciitis
Achilles tendinopathy / tendinitis
Calf Strain
Ankle sprain
Posterior ankle impingement
Medial tibial stress syndrome
Posterior shin splints
Tibialis posterior tendinopathy
Lower kinetic pain syndrome
Achilles bursitis