Step Down


The step down exercise is a step up exercise variation that focuses on the eccentric component of the exercise. Start by standing on a plyobox or exercise stepper. Hover one leg in the air and begin to step down to the side slowly. Continue until your heel taps the floor. Do not put your body weight into the foot stepping down to the side. Extend the knee and hip of the elevated leg to return to a standing position. Be sure to keep your support leg’s knee in alignment with the middle of your foot.

Muscles involved:

  • Glutes

    • gluteus medius

    • gluteus maximus

Related conditions:

  • glute amnesia

  • sacroiliac joint syndrome

  • gluteus maximus tendinitis / gluteus medius tendinitis

  • greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • hip bursitis

  • iliolumbar ligament sprain

  • hip spine syndrome

  • ITB syndrome

Exercise videos


Prone Elbow Raise


Internal Rotation Hip March