Step Down Toe Tap

The step down toe tap is an exercise that focuses on lower limb stability, quadriceps strength, and gluteus maximus strength. Start by standing on a plyobox or stepper on one leg. Proceed to lower the body by bending the knee and hinging at the hips until your free hanging foot taps the floor. Extend the hips and knee to raise the body back up to the single leg stance position. Be sure to keep the apex of your patella in line with the 2nd - 3rd toes for optimal biomechanical loading.
Muscle involved:
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis / vastus medialis oblique
vastus intermedius
rectus femoris
Gluteus maximus
Related conditions:
glute amnesia
SIJ syndrome
lower kinetic pain syndrome
ITB syndrome
hip burisits
runner’s knee
jumper’s knee
patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)
Hoffa’s fat pad impingement
ACL / MCL / PCL / ACL sprain (late stage recovery)