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Trap 3 Raise


This is a trapezius strengthening exercise. Start by setting up a bench on an incline of 45-60 degrees. Standing behind the bench, use the head rest to support your forearm. Use this forearm to then support your forehead. Hinge at the hips to keep the spine in neutral and knee straight during this exercise. While holding a weight, begin to shrug your shoulder and then raise the weight overhead in a “Y” position (the hand should reaching slightly to the side). Raise the weight until your arm is in line with your torso.

Muscles involved:

  • Lower trapezius

  • Upper trapezius

  • Levator scapulae

  • Anterior deltoid

Related conditions:

  • shoulder impingement

  • shoulder instability

  • upper cross syndrome

  • rotator cuff strain / rotator cuff tendinopathy

  • glenoid labral tear

Exercise videos

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