90/90 Leg Lift

90/90 LEG LIFT

This is a hip internal mobility and end range strengthening exercise. Sit on the ground with your knees bent in front of you wider than shoulder distance apart. Rotate one leg into internal rotation and the other into external rotation. Your thighs should be 90 degrees to each other, you can reposition the body to achieve this if needed. Lift the internally rotated leg’s foot off of the ground and hold for up to 5 seconds. Lower the leg back down to the ground and repeat as required

Muscles Involved:

  • Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)

  • Gluteus Minimus

  • Gluteus Medius Anterior Fibers

  • Pectineus

  • Adductors

    • Adductor Magnus

    • Adductor Brevis

    • Adductor Longus

Related Conditions:

  • Snapping Hip Syndrome

  • Hip Impingement

  • Glute Amnesia

  • Non-Specific Low Back Pain

  • Piriformis Syndrome

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