Assisted Sissy Squat
The assisted sissy squat is an advanced level strengthening exercise for the knee extensors. During this exercise the hips and spine will always remain in neutral position. Place a thick exercise mat on the floor in front of you and hold onto two exercise dowels (one in each hand) for balance support. Begin by slowly bending the knees and lower them all the way to the mat. Allow your heels to raise off of the ground but keep the balls of your toes planted on the ground. Continue to bend the knees while leaning back with the body until you reach full range of motion. Return to standing position by extending the knees until you are fully standing.
Muscles Involved:
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
rectus femoris
Superficial Front Line
Anterior Chain
Quadriceps -> Hip Flexors -> Core
Related Conditions:
Jumper’s Knee / Runner’s Knee
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)
Quadriceps Tendinitis / Patellar Tendinitis
Quadriceps Strain
Meniscus Tear (Late Stage Rehab)