Pillow Reclining Hero Pose
The pillow reclining hero pose is a yoga inspired exercise that stretches the knee extensors. It is an exercise regression of the RECLINING HERO POSE. It is recommended to perform this exercise on a padded and stable surface. Start in a kneeling position and sit on the floor so that your bum is between your feet. Place a thick cushion or pillow directly behind you. Begin to recline back with your upper body until your upper back is fully supported by the pillow. Keep your arms straight overhead. Hold this stretch for up to 30 seconds to complete a repetition.
Muscles involved:
Superficial front line
rectus abominis
psoas major
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
vastus medialis oblique
Related conditions:
quadriceps contracture
superficial front line hypomobility
rectus abdominis contracture
quadriceps myofascial pain syndrome
hip flexor tendinopathy
quadriceps tendinopathy