Couch Stretch and Reach

This is a knee flexor stretch that uses a couch, chair or step stool as an assistive device. Start in a half knee position with the target leg’s foot elevated on a couch. Keep the spine neutral and posteriorly tilt the pelvis slightly. Sit back towards your heel to feel a stretch at the front of your thigh. Raise the same side’s arm above your head a reach towards the ceiling. Hold a light stretch for 20-30 seconds. You may repeat up to 3 times with at least 30 seconds of rest between repetitions.
Muscles Involved:
Rectus Femoris
Hip Flexors
Related Conditions:
Runner’s Knee
Jumper’s Knee
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Quadriceps Tendinitis / Patellar Tendinitis
Meniscus Tear
ACL Sprain
Low Back Pain
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Lower Cross Syndrome
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
Iliopsoas Tendinitis / Tendinopathy
Required Exercise Equipment: