PNF Abductor Stretch


The pnf abductor stretch is a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation exercise used to improve hip adduction flexibility. Start by anchoring a 100 lbs rated pullup assist band to a stable object like a squat rack or band anchor. Tie it down to roughly hip height when standing. Loop the target side’s ankle through the free end of the band and lie down on your back on a padded surface like a yoga mat. Lie down on the mat so that the band anchor is on the side opposite of the target hip. Allow the band to gently pull your hip into a light stretch. This stretch should be felt on the outer side of your hip. After allowing the band to stretch you for 5-7 seconds, begin to contract the hip muscles to resist the band’s pull. Hold this contraction for 5-7 seconds before letting go to complete a repetition.

Muscles involved:

  • hip abductors

    • gluteus minimus

    • gluteus medius

    • gluteus maximus

    • tensor fascia latae (TFL)

Related conditions:

  • greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • external snapping hip syndrome

  • sacroiliac joint syndrome / sacroiliitis

  • posterior pelvic girdle pain syndrome

  • hip bursitis

  • gluteus medius tendinitis

Exercise videos


Banded Squat Pallof Press


Lateral Shift Lift Off