Banded Reverse Clamshell
Written By David Song

This is a hip internal rotation exercise that uses gravity as resistance. Start by lying down on your side with the target hip being the top hip. Loop a band around both feet. Keep the knees planted together and bend the knees to roughly 90 degrees. Rotate the thigh inwards to raise the foot up towards the ceiling as high as tolerable. Hold for up to 2 seconds and slowly return to neutral position.
Muscles Involved:
TFL (tensor fascia latae)
Gluteus Minimus
Gluteus Medius anterior fibers
Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus
Related Conditions:
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
Hip impingement
External snapping hip syndrome
Hip spine syndrome
SIJ syndrome
Glute strain
ITB syndrome