Bench Supported High Row

The bench supported high row exercise is used to strengthen the scapular retractors and upper back muscles. Start by setting up an incline bench in front of you. Place the non-target forearm on the top of the bench and use it to support your forward. Keep the spine neutral and have your legs in a split stance. Hold a weight with your target arm and pull the weight up to your chest making sure to lead the movement with your elbows. Pull your scapular into retraction while doing so to engage your upper back and shoulder muscles. Lower the weight in a controlled manner to complete a row.
Muscles Involved:
Upper Trapezius
Middle Trapezius
Posterior Deltoid
Related Conditions:
Rounded Shoulders / Postural Exercise
Upper Cross Syndrome
Rhomboid Strain
Strength Training
Scapular Dyskinesis / Dyskinesia