Adductor Squeeze Crunch

The adductor squeeze crunch is an exercise that combines core bracing with hip adductor activation. Start by lying in a crook lying position (knees bent with feet flat on the floor) with a yoga block or foam roller held between your knees. Squeeze the yoga block between your knees with max effort during this exercise. Complete a crunch by lifting the upper back (including the shoulder blades) off of the floor. Exhale as you lift your upper back off of the floor. Return to a rested position while inhaling with the diaphragm.
Muscles involved:
transversus abdominis
rectus abdominis
hip adductors
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
Related conditions:
back strain / pulled back
mechanical low back pain
extension intolerant low back pain
diastasis recti (late stage rehab)
posterior pelvic girdle pain syndrome
sacroiliac joint syndrome
groin strain