Internal Rotation Hip Lift

This is an internal hip rotation mobility and stability exercise. Start by lying down on your back with a yoga block or foam roller between your knees and heels planted on a bench. Squeeze the yoga block and raise the pelvis one inch off the ground. Hold the raised position for up to 5 seconds. Come back down to a rested position to complete the first repetition. Then rotate one leg out by 5-10 degrees and complete another hip lift. Repeat until 45 degrees of hip rotation is achieved or until the maximum range you can tolerate is achieved for the day.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus (Hip Extension)
Gluteus Medius Anterior Fibers (Hip Internal Rotation)
Gluteus Minimus (Hip Internal Rotation)
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)
Adductor Longus
Adductor Magnus
Adductor Brevis
Related Conditions:
Hip Impingement
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
External Snapping Hip Syndrome
Groin Strain
Hip Spine Syndrome
Mechanical Low Back Pain
Lower Kinetic Pain Syndrome
Hip Bursitis
ITB Syndrome
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Exercise Equipment:
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