Isometric Hip Extension
Written By David Song
This is a hip extension end range strengthening exercise. Start by lying down on your side about 1 to 2 feet in front of a wall with the top leg being the target leg. Place a cushion against a wall behind you. Extend your hip by pushing your heel backwards into the cushion with maximal tolerable effort and hold for up to 7 seconds. Be sure to minimize extension occurring through the lumbar spine to isolate the movement to the hips.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Related Conditions:
Yoga Butt
Proximal Hamstrings Tendinitis / Hamstrings Tendinopathy / Hamstrings Tendinosis
Hamstring Strain
Glute Amnesia
Hip Spine Syndrome
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome / SIJ Syndrome
Glute Strain
Exercise Equipment:
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