Banded Box Squat

This exercise is a progression of the Box Squat. The Banded Box Squat exercise is a great tool to use when learning how to do a squat or when learning how to do one correctly. The box is there as both a safety net to catch you if you fall (helping to build confidence) and as an external cue to tell you that you have squatted deep enough. For this exercise loop a band around the knees to provide additional hip abduction resistance. Keep the spine neutral and feet in any distance apart that feels comfortable and natural. You can raise your arms up and forward to counter balance your hips moving backwards.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Related Conditions:
Hip Osteoarthritis
Hip Impingement
Non-Specific Low Back Pain
Squat Related Low Back Pain
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Glute Amnesia
Exercise Equipment:
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