PNF Hip Abductor Stretch


The pnf hip abductor stretch is a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretch used to target the lateral hip muscles. Start by anchoring a strong pullup assist band to a stable anchor at roughly hip height. Lie down on your back on a padded surface with your foot looped through the free end of the pullup assist band. Lie down so that the band pulls your foot into a light hip adduction stretch and hold this stretch for 5-7 seconds. Then activate the hip abductors by pushing into the band’s resistance without overpowering it. Hold this muscle contraction for 5-7 seconds. Once again relax and allow the band to pull you into deeper hip adduction, repeating as required.

Muscles involved:

  • Hip abductors

    • gluteus minimus

    • gluteus medius

    • gluteus maximus

    • tensor fascia latae (TFL)

Related conditions

  • hip bursitis

  • greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • external snapping hip syndrome

  • sacroiliac joint syndrome

  • glute tendinitis

  • ITB syndrome

Exercise videos


Incline Pigeon Pose


Supine Sacrum Block