Pull Up Press

The pull up press is a dynamic stability exercise for the shoulder. This can be completed with a pullup assist band or exercise band. Start by stepping on the middle of the band to anchor it beneath your feet. Hold the band with each hand and raise both arms to about chest height. While keeping your forearms parallel with the floor press your hands forwards until your elbow is straight. Pull the band back until your hands are back to your chest to complete a repetition.
Muscles involved:
Rotator cuff
teres minor
lateral deltoid
upper trapezius
biceps brachii
Related conditions:
AC joint sprain / acromioclavicular joint sprain
pectoralis minor strain / pectoralis major strain
dynamic shoulder instability
osteolysis of the distal clavicle
biceps tendon instability
glenohumeral labral tear
rotator cuff tendinitis / rotator cuff tendinopathy