RNT Abductor Squat

The rnt adductor squat is a Reactive Neuromuscular Training technique that is used to engage the hip abductors to stabilize the hip and knee. Loop a monster band around the outer aspect of your knee and anchor it to a solid object beside you on the opposite side of your body. Proceed to complete a SQUAT.
Muscles Involved:
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
gluteus maximus
Hip Abductors
tensor fascia latae / TFL
Related Activities:
Squat Warm Up
Strength and Conditioning
Jumper’s Knee / Runner’s Knee
knocked knees / valgus knee
ITB syndrome
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Meniscus Tear
ACL Tear / PCL Tear
greater trochanteric pain syndrome
hip bursitis