Seated Banded Hip Internal Rotation

This is a hip internal rotation strengthening exercise. Sit on a chair or bench with your knees bent in front of you and squeezing a yoga block or foam roller. Loop a mini band around both feet. Rotate one leg into internal rotation and keep the other leg planted on the floor. Rotate your thigh maximally and hold the muscle contraction for 5-7 seconds before resting. Be sure to keep the butt planted on the seat to prevent your pelvis from lifting up. This will help to isolate the movement to the hip joint.
Muscles Involved:
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)
Gluteus Minimus
Gluteus Medius Anterior Fibers
Related Conditions:
Snapping Hip Syndrome
ITB Syndrome
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
Glute Amnesia
Non-Specific Low Back Pain
Piriformis Syndrome
Hip Bursitis
Required Exercise Equipment:
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