Stability Ball Curl
This is an advanced hamstring strengthening exercise that utilizes a stability ball. Start by laying on your back with your feel on the ball, arms can be used for added stability as needed. Brace the core to keep the spine in neutral and raise the pelvis so that your hips are in neutral while your legs are straight in a position similar to a reverse plank. From here maintain the neutral hip angle as your pull your heels towards your butt. Your should feel this in the back of the thigh as your squeeze the hamstrings to flex the knee. Gradually return back to the lengthened position and repeat as tolerated.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Erector Spinae
Posterior Chain / Superficial Back Line
Related Conditions:
Hamstrings Tear / Hamstrings Tendinopathy
Hip Spine Syndrome
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Lower Cross Syndrome
Mechanical Low Back Pain
Required Exercise Equipment:
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