Swiss Ball Isometric Neck Extension

The swiss ball isometric neck extension exercise is used to strengthen the cervical extensors and deep neck flexor muscles. Start by placing the back of your head against a swiss ball that is placed at roughly head height against a wall. Lean backwards by stepping forwards with your feet while maintaining a neutral spine in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. Hold for up to 30 seconds to complete a repetition.
Muscles Involved:
Deep Neck Flexors (Longus Colli)
Upper Trapezius
Levator Scapulae
Splenius capitus
splenius cervicis
Related Conditions:
Cervicogenic Headache, Tension Headache
Upper Trapezius Strain
Rib Joint Irritation
Forward Head Posture
Upper Cross Syndrome
thoracic outlet syndrome
brachial plexopathy