Tibial External Rotation PAIL


The tibial external rotation rail is an exercise used to increase your end ranges through mobility training. Start by sitting on a padded surface like a yoga mat or exercise mat. Bend the target knee so that it is not locked straight, and stabilize the inner thigh with your hand. Place the other hand on the inside of the target foot. Rotate the shin into external rotation and hold a stretch here for 2 minutes. Once at your end range, press outwards with your hand to try and rotate the shin into external rotation. Resist this force and hold a maximal contraction for 4-8 seconds. Rest for 4-8 seconds before repeating.

Muscles involved:

  • semitendinosus

  • semimembranosus

  • sartorius

  • gracilis

  • popliteus

Related conditions:

  • pes anserine bursitis

  • knee bursitis

  • medial tibial stress syndrome

  • lower cross syndrome

  • ascending syndrome

  • lower kinetic pain syndrome

  • genu valgum (knocked knees)

  • squat related knee pain

Exercise videos


Half Kneel Knee Flexion EQI


Tibial Internal Rotation PAIL