90/90 Heel Lift
Written By David Song

This is an end range strengthening and mobility exercise for the hip internal rotators. Start by supporting your body with your hand and flexing your front hip to 90 degrees. Keep the back thigh in neutral flexion. Flex both knees to 90 degrees. Raise the trail leg’s foot off of the ground by rotating the hip inwards while pinning the knee to the ground. Minimize twisting or side bending at the pelvis in hip to isolate the movement to the hip.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus minimus
Anterior fibers gluteus medius
TFL (tensor fascia latae)
Hip adductors
Adductor Longus
Adductor Brevis
Adductor Magnus
Related Conditions:
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
Hip Impingement
Squat Warm Up
ITB Syndrome
Hip hypomobility