The hip continuous articular rotation exercise is a multidirectional hip mobility exercise. You may hold onto a dowel, wall, or other stable surface to assist your balance during this exercise. Start by adducting the thigh by pulling the leg towards the midline of the body. While maintaining as much adduction as possible, raise the thigh up towards hip height allowing the knee to bend and the hip to externally rotate. Once at maximal hip flexion, begin to move the thigh outwards while maximally externally rotating the hip. Maintain maximal hip flexion as you do so. Eventually you’ll reach a point where you are unable to abduct the thigh any further, at this point begin to internally rotate the hip while maintaining as much flexion as possible. Then allow the hip to move into extension as you continue to internally rotate the thigh. Once at maximal hip extension and internal rotation, return the hip to neutral flexion without letting go of the internal rotation.

You have just completed half a repetition, to complete a full repetition you must reverse the motion. Internally rotated the hip while moving the thigh into hip extension. Once at maximal extension, begin to abduct the thigh by moving it outwards. Once at maximal combined internal rotation and abduction, begin to abduct further by externally rotating the thigh. Allow the hip to move into flexion while doing so. Once at maximal abduction and external rotation, begin to adduct the thigh while moving the hip into maximal flexion. Its important that at this point you are maintaining as much hip external rotation as possible. Continue to adduct the thigh until you’ve reach max adduction, flexion and external rotation. From there lower the leg back to neutral while still maintaining as much external rotation and adduction as possible. Complete a repetition once your leg has lowered back down towards the floor.

Structures involved:

  • hip joint

  • hip joint capsule

Related conditions:

  • hip osteroarthritis

  • hip labral tear

  • hip impingement (CAM deformity, FAI deformity)

  • functional hip impingement

  • lower kinetic pain syndrome

Exercise videos


90/90 Internal Rotation PAIL


Wall Lumbar Extension