90/90 External Rotation RAIL


The 90/90 external rotation rail is a regressive angular isometric loading exercise used to improve hip mobility. Start by going into a 90/90 position by rotating the front leg externally and the back leg internally until the knee touches the ground. Have both knees bent to 90 degrees and the back hip flexed to 90 degrees as well. Complete a contraction by attempting to lift the foot and ankle off the floor while keeping the knee pinned down to the ground. Hold this maximal contraction for 5 seconds and rest an equal amount of time between repetitions.

Structures involved:

  • hip joint capsule

  • hip external rotators

    • gluteus maximus

    • posterior fibers gluteus medius

    • quadratus femoris

    • gemellus inferior

    • gemellus superior

    • obturator internus

    • obturator externus

Related conditions:

  • hip impingement

  • functional hip impingement

  • external snapping hip syndrome

  • hip bursitis

  • greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • sacroiliac joint syndrome

  • lower kinetic pain syndrome

  • hip spine syndrome

Exercise videos


Yoga Block External Rotation PAIL


90/90 External Rotation PAIL